Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Thailand Underwater

Smith Dharmasaroja, head of Thailand's National Disaster Warning Centre is predicting that Thailand's capital, Bangkok, will be 1/2 to 1 meter underwater by 2025. They mocked him before for predicting a tsunami. In 2004 over 5000 people in Thailand where killed by the tsunami. Bangkok is only about 3 to 5 feet above sea level, so this is not a totally absurd prediction. What is causing this problem? Two things. One is that the land is sinking. The pumping of underground water is causing the land to sink about 10cm a year. The other reason is global warming is causing the sea to rise. Flood Story.

This week there is a UN conference in Bangkok where they are discussing many ways to end global warming. Nuclear energy and biofuels seems to be the two big ideas to cut down on carbon emissions. But is it too late to save Thailand? Mass migration plans are being discussed as well. UN Meeting Story.

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